DAAS accreditation sends a clear message. It says your certification or inspection body can be counted on to perform its duties—in an authoritative and impartial way. It flags that you have been approved by an independent third-party as a professional body that acts with integrity when certifying or inspecting for conformity assessment.
Third-party accreditation is recognised around the world as the highest and most credible type a certification or inspection body can obtain.
DAAS accreditation is internationally recognised. This symbol of assurance offers you many direct benefits.
Accreditation throughout the market chain is increasingly important. The business world we live in is growing quickly and is highly complex with many inspectors and certifiers operating without accreditation. This is risky for all players, right through to the ultimate consumer.
Without accreditation there is no certainty that goods and services can be depended upon. On the other hand, accreditation provides certainty in a world where standardisation and certification are an integral part of the global economy. And it supports trade and commerce.
DAAS offers accreditation for these themes to support government, industry and the community to achieve their goals:
DAAS accreditation process is systematic and comprehensive in its assessment of an applicant’s capabilities and systems.
Before our Governing Board grants an accreditation, the conditions of accreditation—as set out in our detailed accreditation manual—must be met.
Our accreditation process is open, transparent, fair and ethical—every step of the way.
Once accreditation is granted, you sign an accreditation deed and agree to all of its undertakings.
We then monitor compliance and request adjustments or withdraw your accreditation should you not be fully complying.
After four years, Bodies need to apply to be re-accredited.